Transmedia Narrative and Cross-media Storytelling are ancient learning methods that have found a foothold in the modern, technological world of online education.
Before the invention of most modern methods of media (internet, film, online games), important information would have been taught to the masses across various, more "primitive," platforms, such as storytelling, plays or cinema, events, and even artwork.
Transmedia Narrative refers to the use of the "story" and the narrative as it is found across multiple platforms, such as books, film, cinema, etc. and how these various "media" interact with one another.
Cross-media Storytelling refers to the utilization of various types of media (books, movies, video games, music, etc.) to tell the same story.
As teaching methods, Transmedia Narrative and Cross-media Storytelling are both interesting and effective ways of engaging and educating the adult, online learner.